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Held at The Barnacle in Coconut Grove, Group Classes are a great way to combine socialization and training.

Social learning is stimulating and fun for many dogs. For others is may be a greater challenge to simply attend a basic class. In either case, the benefits are clear and tangible. Big behavioral gains from our fun, outdoor classes. With our dog obedience training in Miami you will also benefit, gaining fantastic handling skills from Completely Canine’s world class trainers. Call or click today!

Basic Obedience

This four class series meets once a week for four weeks. We cover all fundamental behavior including sit/stay, down/stay, come and leash work. While it may seem elementary, this class is not only a great start for a new dog, it is also a great review for an experienced dog. Class size is small, so personal trainer attention and just enough distraction (but not too much) combine to deliver long lasting results. Also discussed are basics of home structure, proper health and nutrition and gear choices.   Our next class begins April 5, 2025


Intermediate Obedience

A six week class, Intermediate Obedience is a realistic next step to your dog’s obedience plan. Add distance, time and distraction to all known basic behavior in a fun, friendly environment. Your Completely Canine trainer will also guide you through confidence building behaviors for your dog as well as more advanced handler skills for yourself. Take the step and move towards tight response in any situation.


Advanced Obedience

Your dog is an ace. Easily maneuvering the basic and intermediate material. You are ready for Advanced Obedience. Heavy distraction, tremendous time and great distance on simple behavior make for real world control in all situations. Still accomplished in six sessions this class is a culmination of your work and persistence. Prerequisites of Basic and Intermediate Obedience or comparable skills are required.



A four week, intermediate level class, Tricks is a fun but challenging class. Learning the classics Paw, Turn, Over, Sit Pretty and Bang you will be smiling while you’re working. This class is at the upper level of intermediate so be ready to earn your behavior with smiles and applause as your rewards. Fun and fulfilling for your dog try Tricks!


Tricks Two

Just like its’ little brother Tricks Two covers the fun stuff. Fun does not mean easy. This is an advanced level class covering High Targets, Bang, Crawl, Speak and Hoop Jump. Six weeks of the silliest hard work you or your dog have done. When your are ready for serious fun, try Trick Two.


Canine Good Citizen

This four week class is preparation for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. This class will prepare you and your dog for the stringent test which now documents your ability as a handler and dog team. Check out the ten tasks necessary to earn your CGC Certification here Many handlers use this class as a gateway to therapy work. Basic and Intermediate Obedience are a prerequisite for this class.


Outdoor Adventures

Ready for fun training in varied environments? Try this eight week, real world class. Utilizing different, commonly attended location in Miami, your Completely Canine trainer will guide you through control and handling techniques with a multitude of situations and stimulus. As authentic as real world training can be. We train where we use behavior, providing seamless application. Advanced level, prerequisite Basic and Intermediate Obedience.


Custom Classes

Design your own class. Gather five friends and get ready for fun. Call to discuss options and cost with a Completely Canine trainer today!

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